z2z Public Messages

Archive of z2z Public Messages 🥳


z2zPM: Brash, Bold, and HyperZcashized

Confused? Check out z2z Public Messages [https://www.sonyasupposedly.com/z2z-public-messages/]. Friday, September 27, 2019 "'We were brash and we were bold, but we were right' ♪♫♬"That's a lyric from "Never Leave Me" by Avicii: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 The bit.ly link goes to an article...

z2zPM: ZBeast on OpenBazaar

Sunday, September 8, 2019 > ob://QmNtZTunyjvUiV2pCAiSwF21MtVVZ4vhKt8wepskuXMYct/store > You might be interested because you're adventurous. Wow, the first advertisement on z2z Public Messages 😲 If you copy that link — ob://QmNtZTunyjvUiV2pCAiSwF21MtVVZ4vhKt8wepskuXMYct/store — and paste it into OpenBazaar [https://openbazaar.org/] (desktop) or Haven [https://gethaven.app/] (mobile), here's what you see:...

z2zPM: Crossed Wires and Immortality

The latest batch of z2z Public Messages [https://www.sonyasupposedly.com/z2z-public-messages/]. Sorry for the delay! Saturday, August 31, 2019 > Hola Sonya + Public! I'm from Venezuela and need help getting out of this opressive regime. As you know, our money has hyperinflated away and it's so uncommon to eat more...

Update on z2z Public Messages

To everyone who's shown an interest in z2z Public Messages [https://www.sonyasupposedly.com/z2z-public-messages/] so far: Pusheen also deserves gratitude, for being so cute [https://giphy.com/gifs/sticker-osjgQPWRx3cac].Workflow Adjustments Instead of updating the same page over and over again, I plan to post future updates in a dedicated tag [https:...

z2zPM: First 11 Submissions

Confused? Check out z2z Public Messages [https://www.sonyasupposedly.com/z2z-public-messages/]. Thursday, August 22, 2019 "I'm in love with a stripper ♪♫♬" [https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/38959bfcc46940db5d5b256b734d1e197767575a1a75efd085c34814c03554f1] "Trump is bae" [https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/521eb9604f0b0970e277dc45163344a86dbd746ee897b9162e9fb7e3f9fb7b2a] Welp, I don't know what I expected. An interesting start! "...

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