Entropy Notes
Eventually a system will realize a possibility that reduces the subsequent number of possibilities, and so on, until there are no available possibilities that could have this effect.
Eventually a system will realize a possibility that reduces the subsequent number of possibilities, and so on, until there are no available possibilities that could have this effect.
An overview of complexity research enclave the Santa Fe Institute, frequented by luminaries ranging from Murray Gell-Mann to Cormac McCarthy.
I've been yelling about this on Twitter all day, and I feel honor-bound to spread the message as far as possible. Masks work [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HLrm0pqBN_5bdyysOeoOBX4pt4oFDBhsC_jpblXpNtQ/preview#] ! Yes, even simple homemade masks. Aerosolized droplets of saliva that would otherwise fly out of your mouth will instead land...