Post Vibes Picnic
Vibecamp [https://vibecamp.xyz/] was utterly exhilarating. Gotta keep the vibes rolling — no time to waste! SF Bay Area people, let's get together again ASAP. Hence... When: Saturday, March 26 Where + itinerary: * Coffee...
Vibecamp [https://vibecamp.xyz/] was utterly exhilarating. Gotta keep the vibes rolling — no time to waste! SF Bay Area people, let's get together again ASAP. Hence... When: Saturday, March 26 Where + itinerary: * Coffee...
An overview of complexity research enclave the Santa Fe Institute, frequented by luminaries ranging from Murray Gell-Mann to Cormac McCarthy.
In November, I'll be leading an online writing workshop called Friends as Force Multiplier [https://otherinter.net/workshops/fafm/], hosted by semi-enigmatic consultancy Other Internet [https://otherinter.net/]. FaFM will focus on understanding, navigating, and leveraging internet communities — from empathy to economics and back. I don't have any teaching credentials to...